On November 30th 2023, 7 PM

at Heino Eller Tartu Music College, Tubin Hall

On December 1st 2023, 6 PM

at St Nicholas’ Church, St Anthony’s Chapel

Andrew Lawrence-KingItalian baroque triple harp

Kristo Käo – theorbo and baroque guitar

Italian 17th century music by Monteverdi, Frescobaldi, Gesualdo, Cavalieri

Winning the lottery sometimes brought with it a lot of crap instead of great luck and sometimes even downfall. The opposite has happened in the Estonian early music scene. The lottery jackpot has brought with it beautiful and inspiring times. Andrew Lawrence-King, who settled in Estonia a few years ago, has already given a new lease of life to the Tallinn Baroque Orchestra, but at this festival he will perform on the instrument that has probably made him the most well-known performer living in Estonia – the harp. He responded to the offer to perform a solo program with the desire to play with some of our musicians. The list he proposed was pleasantly long (what a recognition for our musicians!) and this time Tartu guitar and theorbo player Kristo Käo was chosen. At first glance, I don’t remember that we’ve had such a gentle group of instruments played before, but it’s all the more exciting.

Foto: Kris Moor