There is little doubt that the medieval Old Town is the best part of Tallinn. Historians of architecture and real estate agents, the inhabitants of Tallinn and their guests, both the coalition and the opposition — all are of one mind. But in the world of music? The musicians of the Studio Cantores Vagantes have studied the matter for three decades and we think we know the answer.
Comparing music to architecture, we can say that the scores that have been preserved are not quite the building itself but rather the floor plan. The musicians have the task of building the “house” anew every time they perform. We need to study the traditions and to use the right building materials. Not the prefabricated glazed windows framed in plastic but blown glass incased in lead. For that we have the instruments, the old treatises and perhaps even a certain asceticism.
For our dear listeners to discover the music that truly belongs to them, Cantores Vagantes has launched the early music festival “Tallinn feat. Reval.” Alongside our best musicians you will have a chance to hear the mighty of this world, the best that the world has to offer us.